Agentum skrev:Intressant annars, men jag måste garva åt kommentaren om Adams, varför blev karln galen? är han högkristeligt förbytt eller Gud själv?
Håll sig bakom teckningarna nästan allt som kommit ut på annat sät sen 80talet har varit nästan generande löjligt av en person som honom, the groving earth theory, nån slags alternativ påhittad rakt ur luften teori som han aldrig kunde hålla klaffen om.
Så serieindustrin må vara akorkade men han är definitivt med på banan där.
Aha, den dar teorin lat bekant, fick kolla wikin: Comic artist Neal Adams, also a proponent, has proposed a mechanism of action. Positron particles, a form of antimatter, appear continuously inside Earth's globe and combine with other particles while releasing gamma rays; Adams says that it also forms new matter, but modern scientists are very confident that no new matter is formed in any of these reactions.
Om det kommer fran Neil Adams, sa tenderer jag antagligen att tro pa det mindre an om Einstein har hittat pa nagon sorts naturkraft. Och nu blir det varre, Michael Netzer, Israels ende superhjaltetecknare (som jag dessutom kanner) bygger pa sin forne gurus ideer och imponerar med denna text:
New Hydrogen Nucleus Structure
GE Physics
Written by Michael Netzer
Oct 12, 2009 at 09:51 PM
Based on Neal Adams' Prime Matter Positron-to-Proton Theory
The New Hydrogen Nucleus Structure is a geometric model which demonstrates a count calculation of the layered Prime Matter particles bound by the force of a core positron, to form a proton. As an electron is attracted to the new proton, a new Hydrogen atom is born.
In his elegant theory for emergence of new atomic matter in the universe, Neal Adams states that new protons effectively emerge in the cores of celestial bodies through layered accumulation of 918 Prime Matter particles around a positron, in a process commencing with Pair Production. A Prime Matter particle is the combined electron and positron fields which are theorized to neutralize each other upon converging in the Positronium state, thus rendering themselves undetectable and are assumed to annihilate. Each Prime Matter particle carries an electron weight of two (2), one positron and one electron. The accumulated electron weight of the predicted 918 Prime Matter particles in the model is therefore 1836, same as the electron weight of a proton.
A verifiable calculation of the number of particles in a geometrically sound model is considered crucial to the veracity of Positron-to-Proton Theory.
Vad ska man saga? Om jag stotte pa detta I en vetenskapsblaska I tandlakarens vantrum sa skulle jag kanske svalja det
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